Wednesday, December 22, 2010

WL Council Meeting Highlights - December 21st

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors’ T. Barr, G. Bourdon, N. Hébert, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Wendy Dahlman – Corporate Services Clerk
Tom Chung – IT Manager
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Brad McRae – Senior Bylaw Officer
Geoff Goodall – General Manager of Planning and Operations
Annie McKitrick – Acting Manager of Social Development

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of Dec 7th WL Council meeting approved


1) Kirsten Braumandl (2011 Miss Rodeo Canada Princess) was presented with the City of WL 2010 Award of Merit

2) Mayor Cook presented Sandra Hawkins with the Solicitor-General’s Crime Prevention/Community Safety Award

3) Ken Day (UBC Alex Fraser Research Forest) appeared before Council regarding Changes to Draft Community Forest Boundaries – Council gave support for the amended Community Forest Areas of Interest


1) Council adopted a number of Central Cariboo Joint Committee Recommendations, as follows:

a) Council gave approval for Free Admission to the Pool and Fitness Centre on Saturday, February 5th,2011 to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Sam Ketchum Memorial Pool.

b) Council gave approval for the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area 2011 Grant in Aid (2011 Street Party) to be increased from $3,000 to $5,000.

c) Council will send thanks to all members of the local Sustainability Committee for their service after being advised from Jenny Noble that the Committee will be disbanding

2) Council directed City Staff to submit a Project Amendment Application for the Mackenzie Avenue Rehabilitation project in order to take advantage of grant funding deadline extensions and to utilize remaining budget ($400,000) for additional street re-surfacing in the 2011 construction season

3) Council endorsed the strategies to implement a Secondary Suite Policy and that the existing Zoning, Water and Sewer Bylaws be amended accordingly

4) Council received a report for information regarding the progress of the Rick Hansen Man in Motion Celebration Monument and City Staff were directed to proceed with the project as proposed by Three Dimensional Services Inc.

5) Council adopted the Terms of Reference, Oath of Office and Implementation Plan for the Junior Council.

6) The poll of Council to approve release of $10,600 in funding from the Cariboo Regional District’s Arts & Culture Function to the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society, was ratified

7) Council adopted Graffiti Bylaw No. 2128, 2010

8) Council adopted two Committee of the Whole Recommendations, as follows:

a) Council referred the proposed budget of $30,000 to complete a City branding process to 2011 budget discussions

b) Council directed City Staff to proceed with the following recommendations from the Bylaw Review Committee on Noise & Nuisance Bylaws and begin the public consultation process:

i) Incorporate amendments to the Nuisance and Noise Bylaws regarding excessive property nuisance complaints;

ii) Fees for repeat nuisance calls be established in the $250 range consistent with other municipalities;

iii) Review proposed changes to the Bylaws with the RCMP;

iv) Invite impacted property owners to meet with the City to review the proposed changes and provide comments;

v) Schedule 2 public consultation sessions to receive comments and input from the public; and further, the definition of "rental property" include multi-family residential units

9) Late Item - Council awarded the Contract to add a new entrance way into the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex Arena to MASS Construction for the tendered price of $177,778

10) Council received for information the “Council Information Package” as at December 21st, 2010

Members of WL Council made oral reports concerning issues/events in the City

Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm

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