Thursday, January 6, 2011

All Candidates Forum at Miocene - CRD Area 'F' Candidates

At 7:00pm tonight (Thursday, Jan 6th) at Miocene Community Hall, current Area 'F' Alternate Director Joan Sorley, former Area 'F' Candidate Charlene Hays & former WL Indian Band Councillor Williams Sellars will debate Area 'F' issues in advance of the Sat Jan 15th CRD Area 'F' By-Election

If you reside in Horsefly, Likely, 150/140 Mile House - I urge you to come to this all-candidates forum and ask questions of the candidates.  I'll be blogging Friday covering this event

Also - Friday is Day #1 of advanced voting for the Jan 15th CRD Area 'F' By-Election.  Voting takes place at the CRD Office (180D North 3rd Avenue, across from Sam's Restaurant).  As usual, two pieces of ID is necessary to vote, one having your address

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