Friday, January 7, 2011

All Candidates Forum at Miocene for CRD Area 'F' Byelection (Updated)

Last night, the Miocene Community Association at the Miocene Community Hall hosted an All-Candidates Forum for the Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area ‘F’ By-Election. The Forum was moderated by Ross McCoubrey, Chair of the Miocene Community Association. Joan Sorley, Charlene Hays and Willy Sellars were all present to discuss Area ‘F’ issues, in front of a crowd of 13 people. Both former Area ‘F’ Director Duncan Barnett and CRD Chief Administrator Janis Bell were present

After each candidate gave a 10 minute opening statement, a Question & Answer period ensued. Questions asked included:

• Polling Stations clarified – general voting to occur at Horsefly, Likely, and Big Lake Elementary Schools & 150 Mile House Fire Hall.  Advance Voting occurs today from 8am - 8pm at the CRD Office (180D North 3rd Avenue).  2 Pieces of ID required to vote with 1 indicating your residence
• How would you address conflicting views on a situation?
• What group or groups do you belong to?
• Define “Meaningful Consultation” & why should the CRD get involved in First Nations’ issues
• How to get the BC Ambulance Service to replace supplies (oxygen, etc) used by First Responders’ at no cost to either the CRD or Independent Fire Departments in Area ‘F’?
• Are you concerned about the Outdoor Wood-fired Boiler Bylaw? If so, why?
• RCMP services in the Miocene area?
• Building Permits – for/against? And who drives the “bus” at the CRD – Directors’ or Staff?
• Acquiring High-Speed Internet in Area ‘F’
• How do you engage constituents in the various communities that make up Area ‘F’?
• Is the tax rate to keep the Cariboo Regional District operating too high?
• On the issue of environment vs economy – which takes precedent?
• Should the CRD pass less or more Regulatory Bylaws?
* How can the CRD Director-CRD Staff relationship be repaired?

Each candidate then gave a 3-4 minute closing statement

If the old clique of “the most prepared & dedicated candidate is the one that gets elected” holds true, then clearly Joan Sorley “won” last night’s forum hands’ down. She was prepared for the questions and knew the issues that are near & dear to Area ‘F’ residents’ hearts and which is why I believe that Joan Sorley will win the Area ‘F’ By-Election on January 15th. I will be very shocked if Joan Sorley is not Area ‘F’ Director on January 16th

UPDATE - Welcome to Williams Lake is covering this story here

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