Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bad Press for BC NDP Leadership Race

In what is unwanted press coverage for the BC NDP Leadership Race and generally for the BC NDP for their hopes of forming government in 2013, CBC-BC is running a story around a story about the publicized debate between Moe Sihota (BC NDP Party President) and Dana Larsen (BC NDP Leadership Candidate)

See here

See Globe and Mail - BC Edition story on this subject here

See today's Globe and Mail - BC Edition on developing story around gender rules in BC NDP for Leader, President and Treasurer here

1 comment:

  1. Unwanted by Moe Sihota.

    Wanted by people stick and tired of the media treating pot prohibition like a joke.

    You might laugh, but Tommy Chong's endorsement has brought Dana Larsen millions of dollars in name recognition and free publicity. And if Moe and his other apprachniks try to block him, it will be very public and messy.

    BC residents have said for years it's time to legalize. This issue is a winner.
