Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Outcome of CRD Area 'D' Town Hall Meeting

Last night at the McLeese Lake Community Hall from 6:00pm to 7:15pm - the CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff along with CRD Deputy CAO Rick Hodgson & CRD Protective Services Manager Rowena Bastien addressed 14 Area 'D' residents on the 2011 CRD Budget

Topics discussed included:

* Central Cariboo Arts and Culture
* New McLeese Lake Fire Department
* 2011 Property Assessments
* 2011 Grants-in-Aide
* 2011 CRD Budget up 2.06% from 2010
* Chemical Spill at McLeese Lake townsite

However, 1 uncomfortable moment for Director Bischoff was when an Area 'D' resident attempted to ask questions pertaining to the 2nd Lawsuit between the Cariboo Regional District & former Area 'F' Director Duncan Barnett.  Director Bischoff stated that she was unable to address any questions pertaining to the lawsuit, as it was before the courts

All-in-all - it was, I believe, a good conversation between Area 'D' residents and their elected Director/CRD Staff


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