Thursday, January 13, 2011

Regional News Wrap-up - Jan 13th edition

In Quesnel:

1) Former Quesnel Mayor Nate Bello takes Quesnel Cariboo Observer Editor Autumn MacDonald to task over her "Boob" Editorial over BC NDP Quote for Females within the senior positions (Leader, President and Treasurer) of the BC NDP Party - see here

2) Victoria announcing a reduction in Quesnel's AAC (Annual Allowable Cut) in the Quesnel Timber Supply Area - see here

In Williams Lake:

1) Walt Cobb reviews the closing of "Walt's Men Shop" - see here
2) Gibraltar Mine may be expanded - see here
3) Taseko Mines plans to re-submit for Prosperity Mine - see here
4) In a self-serving letter, Julia Glover from Retirement Concepts' Williams Lake Seniors' Village blasts the re-opening of Deni House - see here
5) Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson reviews Canadian politics as it relates to the shooting in Arizona with regard to Congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords - see here
6) WL City Councillor Tom Barr raises concerns about moving Station House Gallery to 4th & Borland - see here

In 100 Mile House:

1) Recall of Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA still on, despite suggestions to the contrary by Chris Delaney - see here
2) Tipping Fee dodgers at landfills' may hit CRD taxpayers' - see here

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