Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow Removal in Williams Lake

From the City of Williams Lake:

In light of the recent breakdown of the City’s sidewalk clearing machine, the City of Williams Lake now has three contractors removing snow from the sidewalks, and is continuing to plow and remove snow.

“Sidewalk clearing is well underway,” says Geoff Goodall, General Manager of Planning and Operations. “And it will continue until sidewalks are passable.”

Tonight, Wednesday night, City crews will work to windrow snow in the downtown core, and in the morning, will switch to cleaning up residential areas.

During the day Thursday, operations will be concentrated on residential areas.  Starting midnight Thursday, crews will remove the windrows from the downtown core. There are currently two trucks dedicated to plowing in residential areas.

Sanding trucks are out in the community dealing with problem areas as they arise.

“Based on forecasts, we are expecting more snow, and we will provide periodic updates on snow clearing operations,” Goodall says.

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