Saturday, February 26, 2011

BC Liberal Party Leadership Vote today

Today, roughly 90,000 BC Liberal Party members, including myself, will be voting to select a new BC Liberal Party Leader and 35th Premier of BC.  Voting is to take place via the Internet and phone until 5pm today (this may be extended if people are still casting votes by 5pm).  I just voted myself for my selection as follows:

1) Christy Clark
2) Kevin Falcon
3) George Abbott
4) Mike De Jong

It takes two minutes to complete and you get a say in the 35th Premier of British Columbia.  If you didn't get a PIN for today's vote - phone 1-888-281-8683 or to get one (provided you are a BC Liberal Party member)

Good luck to all of the candidates and their supporters. But we're all winners at the end of the day!! because any of the 4 Candidates would make a Great Premier of BC over the "same old NDP" :)

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