Saturday, February 12, 2011

BC Liberals endorse changes to their Party Constitution

Earlier today, BC Liberals delegates approved a change to require that each BC Liberal Party voter to vote for 2 candidates on each ballot.  The final vote was 751-606 for the change

Also - by a substantive vote of 1319-23 (or 98% of all votes cast), BC Liberal delegates approved a change to the Party's Constitution which will see each of the 85 Provincial Electoral District assigned 100 Points each and whichever candidate receives 50% + 1 of the 8500 Points or 4,251 Points will become the next BC Liberal Party Leader and 35th Premier of British Columbia.  The change only required a 2/3's majority vote or 66% of all votes cast to approve the change

The debates with regard to the above was vigorous yet healthy for the Party.  At one point, one delegate got tearful & emotional about the change from "1 person - 1 vote" to "weighted vote system".  The shift in the campaign will now be on candidates to acquire a "first" vote and a "second" vote between now and Saturday, February 26th. 

The campaign will get interesting from here on in...

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