Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Local News - Tues Feb 1st edition

In the Williams Lake Tribune today:

i) Local resident Martin Sills (Woodland Drive) is deeply concerned about access to water & how that will impact selling his home - see here (Note - WL Council is working on this issue by acquiring grants to fund an expansion of the City water/sewer system as the estimated cost is roughly $5 million.  Also residents' will be unable to discuss this issue with Mayor Cook as she has recused (removed) herself from discussions regarding expansion of the water system to Woodland Drive as Mayor Cook is herself a resident of Woodland Drive)

ii) Tuesday, February 15th is the date that recall organizers will submit an application to Elections BC to recall current Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett - see here

iii) Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson talked with the local Seniors' Advisory Council on seniors' issues - see here

iv) Tribune columnist Diana French says "Give credit where it's due" when a City Council benefits from something its' predecessor does - see here

1 comment:

  1. I have little sympathy for Mr. Sills. It was no secret that this area was not connected to water. It was no secret that it would cost millions upon milliosn to connect it for the benefit of a handful of residents. This is a tough sell to the rest of WL.
    The City is not obligated to provide these services although they are working towards it.
    I have a real problem with a very small number of folks demanding the City spend it's valuable tax dollars on folks who have made a choice to live in this area knowing the issues.
