Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My 2nd Choice for BC Liberal Party Leader

As most know already - on Saturday, it is my intention to vote for Christy Clark as my number one choice for the BC Liberal Party Leader and 35th Premier of BC however at the Feb 12th special BC Liberal Party Convention, delegates approved a change which requires that each of the roughly 90,000 BC Liberal Party members signify their 1st and 2nd Choice for BC Liberal Party Leader.  Failure to do so means that your ballot will not count

As such - BC Liberal Party members' now must decide who they'll vote for a 2nd choice.  Earlier today, both Kevin Falcon and Christy Clark was in town to drum up support for their campaigns from the estimated 1,400 BC Liberal Party members' in Cariboo-Chilcotin.  Kevin Falcon's 2nd stop in Williams Lake was compelling for me as a party supporter to vote for him as my 2nd choice as many of the things he spoke to (HST, economic development, etc) are things that I personally support.  Although his leadership style is not entirely to my liking - I'm impressed enough that I will give him my number two choice. 

At this point - I can't support either George Abbott or Mike De Jong as I believe they don't bring the kind of vision or skill-set required to take on the re-energized BC NDP when they elect their leader on April 17th


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