Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WL Committee of the Whole Highlights - Feb 1st meeting

Present: Mayor Cook, Deputy Mayor Rathor and Councillors Barr, Bourdon, Hébert, Walters and Zacharias


Brian Carruthers - CAO
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Geoff Goodall - General Manager of Planning and Operations
Annie McKitrick - A/Manager of Social Development
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of Jan 18th Committee of the Whole Meeting adopted


1) Nancy Gale - Executive Director, Cariboo-Chilcotin Child Development Centre re: Changes to Provincial Gaming Grants

Presentation Points:

* $1.4 million in gaming grants down to $870,000
* Down to 30 charities locally
* Must compete for money provincially rather than locally
* Time between applying for grant and receiving confirmation much too long.  In some cases, as long as 2 years from start to finish

A Question and Answer Period ensued
Mayor Cook, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Ms. Gale for her informative presentation

2) Staff-Sgt Warren Brown & Sgt Ken Brissard re: 2011/12 Annual Performance Plan & Strategic Initiatives

* No vehicles stolen in January 2011
* Detachment Commander position: from Staff-Sgt rank to Inspector rank
* Officer retention still a problem for WL RCMP Detachment
* Violent crimes still a challenge
* Community policing a great asset for Williams Lake RCMP
* Clerk to be assigned to each RCMP Patrol Watch (4)
* "Street Crew" to be established (4 Officers)

A Question and Answer period ensued
Mayor Cook, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Staff-Sgt Brown & Sgt Brissard for their presentation


1) Land Deposition Request - 897 Midnight Dr & 1819 South Lakeside Dr

The General Manager of Planning & Operations reviewed the Planner's report with the Committee
Discussioin ensued thereon

Committee Action - Committee of the Whole recommends:

Council authorize Staff to have appraisals complete for Parcel A, District Lot 8848, Plan
PGP46981, 897 Midnight Drive and for Parcel A, District Lot 8833, Plan PGP36939, 1819 South
Lakeside Drive

2) Funding for Post Secondary Institutions - TRU Students Presentation

Mayor Cook and Councillor Hébert reviewed the Acting Manager of Social Development's report with the Committee

Discussion ensued thereon

Committee Action - Committee of the Whole recommends:

Council write to the provincial government to support the TRU students’ society efforts to ensure that post-secondary institutions obtain a larger proportion of their funding from the provincial government, that the grant portion of financial assistance for students be increased,
and that special consideration be given to universities serving rural populations so that there is sufficient funding for them to provide programs in places like Williams Lake

Opposed: Councillor Geoff Bourdon

The Committee adjourned at 7:34pm

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