Tuesday, February 22, 2011

WL Council Meeting Highlights - Feb 22nd meeting

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors’ G. Bourdon, SPS Rathor, and S. Zacharias
Absent: Councillors Tom Barr, Natalie Hébert and Laurie Walters

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Wendy Dahlman – Corporate Services Clerk
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Geoff Goodall – General Manager of Planning and Operations
Annie McKitrick – Acting Manager of Social Development

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of Feb 8th, 2011 WL Council meeting approved


1) Craig Lodge from Pinnacle Pellet appeared before Council to lay out their 2011 plans for improvements to noise and dust issues

2) Jay Goddard from the Social Planning Council appeared before Council to discuss their recent activities including working on a “Living Wage”

3) LeRae Haynes from “Success By Six” appeared before Council to discuss early childhood activities in the City of Williams Lake


1) Council adopted two Recommendations from the Central Cariboo Joint Committee as follows:

a) Council awarded PepsiCo Canada a five-year contract to provide a Soft Drink Vending Machine at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex
b) Council agreed that a Grant for Assistance in the amount of $2,600 be provided to the Williams Lake Cycling Club subject to providing additional information regarding other fundraising activities and further, that the amount be divided as follows: $780 from Cariboo Regional District and $1,820 from City of Williams Lake

2) Council received a report from the City’s Manager of Human Resources regarding 2011 Student Employment with the City

3) Council approved the hiring of Peak Solutions Consulting Inc. to complete an Industry Attraction Strategy for the price of $25,000 including HST with the project to be completed by March 31st, 2011

4) Council approved DVP #1-2011 (Joy and Carl Hennig)

5) Council received the attached draft of Creating Our Future - City of Williams Lake Official Community Plan public engagement plan for information

6) Council authorized the Mayor and Corporate Officer to sign the CN "Change of Status From Private to Public" agreement for the grade level crossing at Mile 314.34 which is the current City access to the snow dump and public access to the river valley trail system (bottom of Comer Street and Mackenzie Avenue)

7) Council gave approval for the Annual Nutrition Fun Run on Sunday, April 3rd, 2011 and Council encouraged the community to come and participate

8) Council received a letter from the Hon. Mary Polak (BC Minister of Children and Families) regarding 2011 Child Care Award of Excellence and the community was encouraged to nominate an individual or facility

9) Council received an email from Science World regarding “Science World on the Road & Community Science Celebration” at Thompson Rivers University and in Williams Lake next week (Feb 28 – March 5th)

10) Council approved a “Special Occasion Liquor License” for the WL Indoor Rodeo on April 15-`17, 2011 subject to RCMP approval

11) Council encouraged the community to attend the City’s 82nd birthday party at the local Museum on Tuesday, March 15th from 11am – 2pm

12) Council proclaimed 4 events in Williams Lake:

a) Day of the Honey Bee – May 29th, 2011
b) French Immersion Week – Feb 28th – March 6th, 2011
c) Pay It Forward Day – April 28th, 2011
d) Community Social Services Awareness Month – March 2011

13) Council received the “Council Information Package” as of Feb 22nd, 2011

Council adjourned at 7:20pm and convened an In-Camera Meeting in accordance with Sections 90(1)(a) and (b) of the Community Charter

1 comment:

  1. why would the city need to hire consultants to attract business when they have a department in City Hall paid to do this activity...are the staff not qualified? and if so why did they get hired?
