Monday, March 28, 2011

2011 BC Community Achievement Awards (Updated)

Earlier today, BC Premier Christy Clark & Kevin Mitchell - Chair of the BC Achievement Foundation announced the 36 winners of the BC Community Achievement Award

BC Premier Christy Clark stated:

"Each of these people have a remarkable record of enhancing the quality of life of residents throughout the Province and each truly deserves to be singled out and recognized by all British Columbians for their contributions"

Meanwhile - Kevin Mitchell, Chair of the BC Achievement Foundation stated:

These individuals work diligently all-year round and their contributions yield concrete and lasting benefits for all of us.  Their work stands as a beacon to selfless community service and our lives are richer for it"

An independent advisory council selects the recipients of the BC Community Achievement Awards.  The 2011 Council members are:

* Langley Mayor Peter Fassbender
* Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom
* Former Vancouver Councillor Kim Capri
* Past BC Community Achievement Award winners Patrick Kelly (Victoria - 2009) and George Puil (Vancouver - 2008)

See the full press release here

More closer to home - one of the BC Community Achievement Award winners for 2011 is Quesnel Councillor Peter Couldwell.  As the press release states:

"Peter Couldwell has served his community of Quesnel as a councillor for more than 20 years. He has also personally helped to raise close to $3 million through his skills as a volunteer auctioneer for scores of events and organizations, including local charities, the Quesnel Community Foundation and the Hospice Palliative Care Association.

Former winners of the BC Community Achievement Award in the Cariboo-Chilcotin include WL City Councillor Surinderpal Rathor (2005) & Seniors' Advocate/Chair of the WL and Area Seniors' Advisory Council Audrey MacLise (2010) both from Williams Lake & Ron Silver (2008) / Susan Maile (2009), both from Quesnel and CRD Area 'J' Director Alex Bracewell (2009)

I offer my personal congrats to Quesnel Councillor Peter Couldwell.  The 2011 BC Community Achievement Award winners will be formally presented with their award on Wednesday, April 20th, 2011 at Government House in Victoria, BC

UPDATE - From the City of Quesnel:

Quesnel City Councillor Peter Couldwell was named a winner of the BC Community Achievement Awards today by Premier Christy Clark and Keith Mitchell, chair of the British Columbia Achievement Foundation.

"On behalf of Quesnel City Council we are extremely pleased that Peter has been recognized in this fashion," said Mayor Mary Sjostrom. "It is a well-deserved award for a lifelong member of this community who has contributed significant volunteer hours and helped raise more than $2.8 million for a wide range of fundraising endeavours. We also congratulate his wife Elaine for the dedication and volunteer hours she has given in support of her husband."

"I thank my family, Council colleagues and City staff for all the hard work they did to prepare the nomination package," said Couldwell. "I'm very humbled by this. I wasn't expecting an honour of this magnitude. I don't do the work I do for the awards, I do it so that Quesnel is a better place, a community that one can be proud to raise a family in."

Couldwell was one of 36 outstanding British Columbians named today in Vancouver. He was recognized for his 20 years service as a City Councillor as well as his volunteer efforts as an auctioneer to raise money for community fundraising causes. Couldwell will receive a certificate as well as a medallion designed by B.C. artist Robert Davidson at Government House in Victoria on April 20.

Previous BC Community Achievement Award winners from Quesnel are Ron Silver in 2008 and Susan Maile in 2009.

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