Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2011 Federal Budget

Earlier today, The Hon. Jim Flaherty, Federal Minister of Finance, presented the 2011 Federal Budget

Key points:

* Tax Credit for Volunteer Fire Fighters of $3,000
* Improved pension for seniors - $600 for single seniors', $840 for senior couples
* $1,000 "Hiring" Tax Credit for employers
* Tax Credit for children in arts
* Forgiveness of student loans for Doctors/Nurses in Rural Canada
* $228 million for bridges in Montreal
* Family Caregiver Tax Credit
* $72 million for storm-damaged harbours, $100 million for brain research fund
* ECOenergy Program extended for one year - $5,000 grant available for energy efficient home upgrades

We know that both Liberal Leader Micheal Ignatieff and Bloc Leader Giles Duceppe have rejected this budget and NDP Leader Jack Layton rejects the budget "as presented" but will the Conservatives accept amendments to the budget to allow Mr. Layton to vote in favour of the budget....time will tell, but I guessing the Conservatives will likely say to Mr. Layton and the Federal NDP - the budget is final - take it or leave it!

But I think overall  - it is a prudent budget in the political environment we're in - but is it enough to stop a federal election on either May 2 or May 9..... we'll know by either this Friday or next week at the latest as the Main Budget Vote will take place by either next Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest

Budget documents:

* PDF Version here
* HTML Version here

Budget Speech:

* PDF Version here
* HTML Version here

UPDATE at 2:30pm: The federal finance minister says no amendments to the Federal Budget - so we'll see what Jack Layton does either tomorrow (Wednesday), Thursday and Friday of this week

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