Sunday, March 27, 2011

Attack Ads from BC NDP

Earlier this year, the BC NDP launched a website called "Are You Falcon Kidding Me" because they (NDP) were scared of Kevin Falcon becoming BC Liberal Leader/Premier of BC.  See that website

Now - in a not surprising move - the BC NDP has launched a new attack ad against sitting BC Premier Christy Clark.  You can see that ad here and check the NDP's "Christy Crunch" website here

Is this a sign of things to come from the BC NDP??  I hope not because if so, this may turn off voters from the BC NDP, especially considering the next scheduled Provincial Election is not until May of 2013.  The same voters they need to become government in May of 2013. 

Methinks - Same Old NDP - Negative, Destructive, Pessimistic

Let's give Christy a chance to govern before anyone or any political party attacks her for her policies


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