Thursday, March 17, 2011

BC Premier Christy Clark decides to raise minimum wage

Under the file of "Promise Made - Promise Kept", BC Premier Christy Clark announced yesterday that the minimum wage in British Columbia is going up in stages starting May 1st and November 1st of this year and May 1st of 2012

See here (Globe BC) and here (Black Press) and here (CBC)

See commentary from local Chamber of Commerce President Walt Cobb on this subject here

Also - BC Conservatives got in on the act by releasing a statement on the minimum wage:

For three months Christy Clark said, “I plan to consult with the public”. Maybe she didn't consider a +25% increase to the minimum wage worthy of consultation, however restaurant owners are probably wondering what happened to that consultation.

During the recent Liberal leadership campaign Clark said she wanted to increase the minimum wage; however telling 60 thousand odd members of the BC Liberal Party her plans, is not exactly public consultation – whether you agree with this increase or not. She won the Liberal leadership with just over half (52%) of those Liberal voters – not exactly an overwhelming show of support for her ideas.

Just recently 700 thousand British Columbian's indicated their disapproval of Gordon Campbell and Colin Hansen delivering the HST with NO public consultation. Now, here we go again with Christy Clark.

There are three million people who are eligible to vote in British Columbia. Again, whether you agree with the increase in the minimum wage or not, telling 60 thousand Liberal Party members you want to increase the minimum wage, is not public consultation.

Once again we are getting government dictating direction; in exactly the same way that Gordon Campbell did. It is obvious from today’s announcement BC Liberals, no matter who the leader is, they have no idea what it means to have government accountability, and public consultation.

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