Friday, March 4, 2011

BC Premier-designate Christy Clark sets June 24th as "Voting Day on the HST"

Globe and Mail - BC Edition is running a story that BC Premier-designate Christy Clark has announced that June 24th, 2011 as "Voting Day for the HST"

This subject was discussed during the Bill Good Show on CKNW this morning and Vaughn Palmer (Vancouver Sun political columnist) suggested that Victoria is potentially looking at holding this vote under the "Referendum Act" and that it will be a "mail-in" ballot saving taxpayers' millions of dollars ($5 million for mail-in ballot vs $30 million for a full-fledged vote).  Also - there is a possibility that each side to the HST debate would be also funded prior to the June 24th vote, similiar to the same circumstances that surrounding the May 12th, 2009 vote on the BC-STV (Single Transferable Vote) - fund each side (Yes/No)

See the Globe and Mail story here

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