Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bits 'N Bytes News

Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett comments on the upcoming HST Mail-in Ballot Referendum
See here

Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo MP Cathy MacLeod calls the defeat of the Harper government as "Over the top partisan move" - see here

Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom also comments on the 41st Federal General Election which takes place on Monday, May 2nd, 2011.  See here.  Also, Walt Cobb comments on the upcoming Federal Election.  See here.  100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall also expresses disappointment with the upcoming Federal Vote.  See here.  Heidi Redl (local Green Party MP-candidate) says she's looking forward to upcoming Federal Election campaign locally.  See here.  Editor's Note - I am continously disappointed that Mayors of 100 Mile House/Quesnel comment on items in the media before Mayor Cook of Williams Lake does.  Why doesn't Mayor Cook comment on WL Airport services, upcoming Federal Vote, etc in a proactive way like Quesnel/100 Mile House/Cariboo Regional District unless you "arm twist"information out of her??  Just asking....

100 Mile House Council will join "Communities in Bloom" in partnership with South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce - see here

Finally - last night, the local Council of Canadians co-hosted an event which saw Rafe Mair (former CKNW host + Social Credit Cabinet Minister) discuss issues like "Run of River" hydro-electric projects, and BC Hydro, etc.  In attendance - CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff.  However, John Dressler from the local Council of Canadians advised both WL Indian Band + WL Council were "too busy" to attend.  WL Indian Band, I can understand, being too busy with their development projects.  But WL Council, and all 7 members I don't understand - Council agreed to create a "Master Schedule" which was supposed to ensure that a member(s) of Council were available to attend community events back in 2009.  Surely - one member of Williams Lake Council could have been made available for this event, given I believe this event was advertised well in advance & all 7 members of WL Council were invited (I'm told) to welcome out of town guest to Williams Lake - why is WL Council apparently so afraid of the Council of Canadians??  Again, just asking??


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