Monday, March 7, 2011

Christy Clark's New Cabinet Choices

In his column Tuesday in the Globe and Mail - BC Edition, columnist Gary Mason speculates on who will hold the important BC Cabinet posts including:

Health - Dr. Moira Stilwell (A good move in my opinion as she'll know what the health-care system needs to be efficient and to meet desired societal health outcomes)

Finance - Kevin Falcon - (Another good move on Clark's part as she'll need Falcon's tenacity to see the HST passes the referendum on June 24th)

Education - George Abbott (Smart move on her part as teacher contract negotiations are on-going and someone like George Abbott, who is more conciliatory on tough issues, is needed as the BCTF is asking for wage parity with their counter-parts in Alberta/Ontario and given Victoria's "net-zero" bargaining mandate - Mr. Abbott will need to tap all of his political charm to get a new contract with the Province's teachers)

Attorney-General - Barry Penner (given the BC Liberal Caucus has very few lawyers, by trade, she could only select Penner, Mike De Jong or even Bill Bennett.  Given Bennett is not a member of the BC Liberal Caucus and De Jong has some credibility problems over the $6 million legal fees deal for Dave Basi & Bob Virk - Christy Clark was left with no alternative but to leave Barry Penner where he is as the Attorney-General)

See Mr. Mason's column here.  Also, BC NDP Strategist Bill Tieleman looks at the likely candidates for Cabinet posts in a Christy Clark cabinet.  See that blog post here

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