Friday, March 11, 2011

City of WL welcomes more public input for 2011 Budget

From the City of Williams Lake:

On Thursday, March 10th, the City of Williams Lake held a public budget information meeting on the 2011 budget and five-year financial plan, which was well-attended by more than 50 people.

“It was so great to see the large turnout, and there were opportunities to clarify and inform on various matters,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “Council believes in open, direct communication, so we welcomed those opportunities to respond to questions and concerns.”

“I also want to make the public aware that before we reached the stage of presenting the preliminary budget to the public Wednesday night, council and senior management cut more than $711,000 from the operating and capital budgets, allowing us to keep the tax increase to 3%, very close to the average increase for the past 10 years.”

The 2011 budget, which has yet to be finalized, calls for no significant increases to services, minimal changes to the tax distribution among rate classes, no new borrowing, and no changes to the water or sewer utility rates.

Among the costs for major projects planned in 2011 are $635,000 for the relocation of the Station House Gallery (contingent on a $375,000 grant from the Towns for Tomorrow program), $400,000 in paving work (with funds carried forward from the under-budget Mackenzie rehabilitation project), $100,000 for Boitanio bike park irrigation, $200,000 into a pavement management reserve, and $130,000 for the final design of a Woodland Drive water and sewer system.

The City has appreciated feedback on the budget offered so far, and would like to remind residents there is still opportunity to offer feedback. Written comments can be dropped off at City Hall or e-mailed to until 4:30 p.m. Friday, March 25. Council will not finalize the budget, the financial plan, or set tax rates before that date.

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