Sunday, March 20, 2011

City Senior Staff Salaries - 2011 and 2012

On Tuesday, WL Council is set to release from In-Camera two items relating to senior City of WL Staff:

1) Management Compensation/Benefits Policy, as passed at WL Council's December 8th, 2009 "In-Camera" Meeting - see here
2) 2010 Management Base Salary Review/2011 Management Compensation as passed at WL Council's Feb 8th "In-Camera" Meeting - see here

On Items 1 and 2 - I'm surprised that these two items are being released from In-Camera but suspect that Mayor and Council wish to promote aggressively its' "open government" stance, as a result of the Candie Laporte issue

Item #1 is fairly boring as it is simply a policy to compensate City Management so unless you love reading policies (like I do), then it's not really worth reading however as a public service, I posted a link for you here

Item #2 is a little more "meatier" here and provides details around how City Staff are compensated, both now and going forward into 2012.  I will post below, again as a public service, what each senior manager will be making in 2011 and 2012.

Please Note - Brian Carruthers salary info is not available at this time as it was not part of this In-Camera report but his salary is required to be published when Council makes the 2010 "Statement of Financial Information" known to the public by June 30th but it is a fair educated guess that Mr. Carruthers earns from the City at least $120,000 per year plus any benefits that his contract with the City of Williams Lake entitles him to

Salary Information - City of WL Staff:

Name - Geoff Goodall
Title - General Manager of Planning and Operations
Current Salary - $107,000
April 1st Salary - $111,400
2012 Salary: $115,300

Name - Patricia Higgins
Title - Director of Financial Services
Current Salary - $99,550
April 1st Salary - $100,980
2012 Salary - $106,590

Name - Geoff Paynton
Title - Director of Community Services
Current Salary - $89,100
April 1st Salary - $94,962
2012 Salary - $99,960

Name - Kevin Goldfuss
Title - Director of Muncipal Services
Current Salary - $98,000
April 1st Salary - $99,960

Name - Randy Isfeld
Title - Director of Protective Services (Fire Chief)
Current Salary - $98,000
April 1st Salary - $99,960

Name - Joe Engelberts
Title - Manager of Water/Waste
Current Salary - $88,698
April 1st Salary - $90,780

Name - Ashley Williston
Title - Manager of Human Resources
Current Salary - $72,030
April 1st Salary - $81,702
2012 Salary: $90,780

Name - Reg Ryan
Title - Manager of Transportation and Buildings
Current Salary - $79,828
April 1st Salary - $81,702
2012 Salary - $86,241

Name - Cindy Bouchard
Title - Manager of Legislative Services
Current Salary - $72,027
April 1st, 2011 Salary - $81,702
2012 Salary - $86,241

Name - Post being filled
Title - Manager of Finance
Current Salary - $72,027
April 1st Salary - $81,702
2012 Salary - $86,241

Name - Alan Madrigga
Title - Manager of Economic Development
Current Salary - $77,028
April 1st Salary - $81,600

Name - Deb Radolla
Title - Manager of Active Living
Current Salary - $74,945
April 1st Salary - $77,520
2012 Salary - $81,600

Name - Annie McKitrick (Acting)
Title - Manager of Social Development
Current Salary - $72,030
April 1st Salary - $77,520
2012 Salary - $81,600

Name - Tom Chung
Title - Manager of Information Technology
Current Salary - $80,050
April 1st Salary - $81,600

Name - Ellen Power
Title - Executive Assistant
Current Salary - $56,100
April 1st Salary - $57,222

So, assuming the April 1st, 2011 Salaries for the Executive Assistant, Manager of IT, Manager of Economic Development, Manager of Water/Waste and the Director of Municipal and Protective Services carried forward into 2012 then the salaries paid to City Staff (minus the CAO and Communications Coordinator - Union position) looks like this:

Total Current Salaries: $1,309,243
Total April 1st, 2011 Salaries: $1,300,312
Total 2012 Salaries: $1,345,675


  1. Why would the Manager of Human Resources be compensated more then the Manager of Legislative Services which is the Corporate Officer position?
    This is bizarre .In the CAO's "speech" in front of Council during his "telling of his side of the story" he stated that the compensation of salaries was based on a report by the Manager of Human Resources. The report was either commissioned by the CAO or at the least he signed off on it. If it was not what he wanted then he wouldn't have approved it or asked that an alternate recommendation be made. "Perception" is everything whether true or not again it is the perception that will be most noticable after all it sparked my interest and I am just the one who is willing to speak out.
    The Manager of Human Resources is to my knowledge not a statutory position.I hope Mayor and Council assure that at the least they both make the same wage.
    Why isn't Mayor Cook traveling to UFCM, is she sending Councillor Rathor because she is trying to turn up the heat on him during this election season...a sort of "see he travelled too". Let's not forget that the intial recommendation was for her to travel. Again rather suspect. People do not be fooled. Anyone with half a brain can see what is happening. There have been too many examples of these people getting away with murder with our money.....make it end. COOK HAS TO GO and she may need to take the CAO with her. You can say what ever you want but trust me this blog is not politically motivated it is morally motivated as I am sick of these people having no regard with how the rest of us suffer financially every day. The trouble starts at the top and that top is Mayor Cook and in a big part Brian Carruthers.
    Lastly in light of the fact that the City of Williams Lake deciding not to bid on the Winter Games I certainly hope that the tax payers did not, are not and will not be paying for Geoff Payton to work on the Canada Winter Games business during the regular work day. The taxpayers of Williams Lake pay for him to work for the City of WL for if he is going to sit on the board they should be paying him not us.
    His comments that he represents is a big stretch.
    The hand picked favoured of Mayor Cook are just being handed the world and hard working people like the Manager of Legislative Services and other managers are treated differently.

  2. Thanks for your comment:

    You ask very good questions like why Cindy Bouchard makes less as the Corporate Officer than the Manager of Human Resources but I doubt we'll ever get an answer

    As to why Councillor Rathor attending FCM rather than Mayor Cook - I agree that it smells of a "political game" rather than scheduling issues but guess we'll see how that plays out in November

    As far as I'm aware - Geoff Paynton's appointment to the Canada Winter Games Board in PG is on his own time (at least I hope so) and he would get paid to do the work that City of WL taxpayers' pay him for

    However - I think the bulk of your concerns/questions will not get answered by the current WL City Council but by voters' deciding if they think Mayor Cook and Councillors Barr, Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias DESERVE re-election and I eagerly await the voters' decision on November 19th


  3. Has anyone ever even checked to see if Cook has a scheduling conflict before you start jumping to conclusions? No? I didn't think so.

    What has Rathor done that's so wonderful that he's always singled out? Besides run to the media and grandstand?

    Council is a team, and he thinks he's Gretzky.

  4. Don't insult Gretzky.....Gretzky passed and helped his team. Rathor never seems to pass on an opportunity to grandstand and to make the team look bad.
