Wednesday, March 30, 2011

City Sprinkling Regulations take effect Friday

From the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake would like to remind residents that sprinkling regulations take effect on Friday, April 1.

Watering of lawns within the City of Williams Lake is not permitted between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Residents are reminded that watering days are in accordance with residential addresses (odd-numbered addresses waters on odd days, even-numbered addresses water on even days). In the case of mobile homes in mobile home parks and strata developments, watering days are determined by bay numbers or unit numbers.

Residents who have installed a new lawn, either by sod or seeding, may apply to the City for a permit to water beyond the conditions set out within the Bylaw. Properties that have automatic sprinkler systems can water grass between 12 and 4 a.m. The sprinkling regulations are in effect until September 30.

The regulations are to ensure there is enough water supply during peak daytime hours, and non-compliance can carry a $100 fine. The City’s bylaw enforcement department will enforce the regulations. Bylaw officers will give residents who break the regulations a warning, and usually don’t issue a ticket unless the residents sprinkle incorrectly for a second time.

The community’s cooperation is appreciated as water is a very precious resource.

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