Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Child Safety Policy at Sam Ketcham Pool on April 1st

From the City of Williams Lake:

Effective Friday, April 1, 2011 all children six (6) years old and under must be closely supervised (within arm’s reach at all times) by a responsible person of at least 16 years of age at Sam Ketcham Pool.

Formerly, children five years (5) years and under were required to be within arm’s reach of a person 16 years and over. The age has increased by one year following the publication of the Provincial Draft Swimming Pool Guidelines which support the new provincial Pool Regulations which include the guideline that is being adopted at the CMRC.

"This new policy will increase the safety of children at the facility and encourage parents and guardians to actively play with their children," says Councillor Surinderpal Rathor, chair of the City’s Community Services Committee.

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