Monday, March 21, 2011

Next Steps for CRD Solid Waste Management Plan Review

From the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District’s Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee ('Advisory Committee') has been working hard to ensure contents of the Stage Two Report covers all issues identified by CRD residents.

In 2010, Stage One of the Solid Waste Management Review was completed in which a public survey and efficiency review of the current waste and recycling systems was completed. The purpose of the Stage One Report (see that report here) was to fully understand and quantify the CRD’s existing system and gather input from the public on their level of satisfaction with the existing system. This also allowed the CRD to identify where it should be focusing future resources to further improve service delivery and make the program more sustainable.

The Stage Two Report will outline proposed changes to solid waste services and their associated costs. Providing recycling options for residents topped the list. Other items that were very popular on the list included:

• centralized composting;
• user pay vs. taxation for service funding;
• providing attendants for sites;
• promotion and education;
• illegal dumping strategies; and
• wood waste management strategies.

Once the Stage Two Report is completed, the Advisory Committee will meet to review the findings and help to develop future options for service scenarios and consultation material.

A public consultation campaign will follow to provide information to the public and gain feedback from residents on all options for new programs and services for reducing and managing our waste. To help gauge this process, a survey will be developed and available for residents to complete to indicate their preferences. The feedback received will be used to help guide future decisions about new programs and services.

“We realize the value and importance of public consultation and encourage residents to attend the Solid Waste Management Review meeting in their area,” stated CRD Chair Al Richmond. “By utilising the feedback we receive from the consultation process, we will be able to ensure we design a solid waste management plan that meets the needs of our residents now and future years.”

Dates and times for open houses and refuse site visits will be announced once they have been confirmed. For the complete list of the Stage Two contents and for more information on the status of the CRD’s Solid Waste Management Review, visit the website  or contact the Environmental Services Department at 250-392-3351 or toll free at 1-800-665-1636.

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