Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Photographer Chris Harris to visit WL Public Library on Friday, March 25th at 7:00pm

Renowned local Cariboo photographer Chris Harris will be on hand at the Cariboo Regional District Library Williams Lake Branch on Friday March 25 at 7:00 p.m. to share from his latest book Motherstone: British Columbia’s Volcanic Plateau. Harris will provide an overview on the process of going from an original idea to a finished book.

Motherstone refers to a large area of volcanic activity that spans the edge of the Chilcotin Plateau to the Coast Mountains in the west to the North Thompson River basaltic columns in the east. Over two years, Harris took the photographs that appear in Motherstone, while the text was researched and written by BC author Harold Rhenisch.

According to Harris, the idea for Motherstone came from an image he took 15 years ago when photographing for his book Chilcotin. “Every picture in Motherstone has a story behind it and I will be happy to share them with the audience,” says Chris Harris. “I would say that some of the most powerful experiences were when I stood on 'unaltered ground', landscapes that were built and sculpted for millions of years and have never been touched by mankind and have never been photographed. Just to stand in those places was a very powerful experience.”

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