Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Quesnel Council Meeting Highlights - Feb 28th

Council reviews travel policy

Quesnel City Council has adopted a new policy regarding Council travel budgets. Each year, Mayor and Council are provided a budget to travel and attend conferences. They are now required to seek permission from Council before travelling if they expect to go over their annual travel budget.
Council also reviewed a summary of Council's travel costs over the past several years, as well as comparisons of travel budget entitlements for other benchmark communities in the Cariboo.

Multi-Centre update

Council received an update regarding lobbying and funding related to the North Cariboo Multi-Centre. Many representatives from the provincial and federal governments, as well as leadership candidates for both provincial parties, have been provided information packages. In addition, the Cariboo Regional District Board has approved submitting an application to the Northern Development Initiative trust for a $2 million grant and $2 million loan. The CRD is expected to appear as a delegation at a late April NDI Board meeting in support of that application.

Other News

Council approved spending an additional $216,789 for the completion of a new water well to supply the City's drinking water system. The original project was budgeted at $660,000, with $375,000 provided through a Towns for Tomorrow grant from the provincial government. Unfortunately, the City's contractor had to drill a second bore hole, as the first proved to be unusable as a reliable water source. This caused the project's cost to increase to $876,785. The extra funds will come from the City's Municipal Finance Authority Debt Surplus -Water account. Whenever the City borrows money, it borrows from the MFA and from time to time interest rates change. Extra funds that are realized by the MFA when this happens are returned to the City and placed in this account.

Council gave early approval to two capital budget items. A new cooling tower for City Hall was approved at a budget of $30,000. New equipment for the primary sewer treatment centre, including an auger and grinder, were approved, at a cost of $45,100 to come from the sewer fund.

Council awarded its 2011 bulk fuel tender to Suncor. The tender was based on 2010 usage of 76,000 litres of regular gasoline and 162,000 litres of diesel. Five tenders were received, with Suncor's being the lowest.

The City has received a Municipal Insurance Association Risk Management grant of $12,500. In January 2005 and again in August 2010, heavy rain caused water damage in curling rink lobby as the storm drainage system between the curling rink and Arena 1 could not handle the volume of water. The City will add a catch basin in the area and tie it into the storm drainage system. All costs are covered by the grant.

Council approved increasing airport fees for landing, general terminal and airplane parking by five percent. The move is expected to boost airport revenues by $2,500 and keep fees competitive with other airports in the area.

Council received notice that the City has received a $7,500 grant from the Northern Development Initiative Trust to support a community grant writing position.

At a special meeting held on Feb. 14, Council authorized the City applying for a $10,000 grant to conduct a structural assessment of the City's water reservoirs. The City has seven reservoirs, ranging in age from eight to 39 years old. Visual inspections indicate that four of the older concrete reservoirs may be in poor condition.

Important Dates

March 18 - Quesnel Volunteer Citizen of the Year nomination deadline
April 19 - Quesnel Volunteer Citizen of the Year banquet


March - Community Social Services Awareness Month
May 1 to 7 - Hospice Palliative Care Awareness Month

Future Quesnel Council/Joint Planning Committee Meetings:

Next Delegation/Committee of the Whole Meeting:
March 7

Next Budget Meeting:
March 7 - 2011 Capital budget review

Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting:
March 8

Next Regular Council Meeting:
March 14

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