Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday News....March 31st edition

In your Williams Lake Tribune:

* Tolko senior Managers Mark Stevens/Tom Hoffman meet with WL Council-in-Committee to discuss Major Industry tax rates and that they will reconsidered at the 2011 level.  See here

Editor's Note - based on the above article, it seems Mayor Cook was not taking Mssrs. Stevens/Hoffman's message to heart and it is very likely (although I haven't talked with Tom Hoffman about this yet) that they came away from the meeting disappointed

* School Board decides to move French Immersion from Marie Sharpe Elementary to Glendale Elementary - see here

* Support for the patio bylaw here and here

* In his weekly column, Indepedent MLA Bob Simpson asks: Should personal attack ads be allowed if they are funny? - see here

And over at

* Decision Day for the trial of PG City Councillor Brian Skakun over leaking a In-Camera Report will be Tuesday, May 24th by Surrey Judge Ken Ball - see here

Finally , over at PG Citizen:

* City of Prince George website gets a major facelift - see here

Editor's Note - I hope Williams Lake's website incorporates some of the same features that Prince George's website has - social media tools, daily newsbits, etc...the City of WL CAO said end of March, the City of Williams Lake would have its new website....still waiting

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