Sunday, March 6, 2011

TRUE Consulting reports out on Woodland Drive Preliminary Design (Water/Sewer)

On Tuesday, WL Council (minus Mayor Kerry Cook who resides on Woodland Drive and will very likely declare a personal conflict of interest on this matter) will consider a Recommendation from Council's Planning and Operations Committee to receive TRUE Consulting's Woodland Drive Preliminary Design Servicing (Water/Sewer) Report, City of WL Staff prepare an application for an infrastructure grant and that a Public Open House be organized to allow the public to view/comment on the plan

See the Committee's report here

TRUE Consulting reports (on Page 58) that the total project costs, including engineering/contingencies, range from $2.8 million to $4.3 million, depending on the option in the report that is employed for water/sewer.  So - even if the City were successful in receiving a grant for this project from Ottawa/Victoria for 66-75% of the project costs, City taxpayers' would still have to come up with its' share, ranging from $952,000 to $1,462,000 (at 66% Ottawa/Victoria financial support) and $700,000 to $1,075,000 (at 75% Ottawa/Victoria financial support).  I've also been assured by the City of WL CAO that nothing can be done in 2011 with regard to physical works for this project as the paperwork will take months to complete (assuming Ottawa/Victoria decides to fund 66-75% of this project) and 2012 would be the earliest possible date to which any physical work could commence with regard to water/sewer on Woodland Drive.  By these early estimates - it is my belief that a local area tax for the 49 residents (at 100%) on Woodland Drive is out of the question as the cost is simply too high for each property owner to bear (cost would be roughly $ 19,428.57 - $29,836.73 (66% Ottawa/Victoria support) or $14,285.71 - $21,938.77 (at 75% Ottawa/Victoria support) per property)) which effectively means the City will have to use long-term debt to fund its' 1/3 share for this project.   One other option available is to split the 1/3 share for this project at 50% local area tax and 50% long-term borrowing, but I believe City Staff would need to clarify that this is, in fact, a option available for WL Council to consider/implement for this project

In my estimation and due to the cost for this project - the City's best interests are served by submitting the long-term borrowing (whatever the amount) for this project directly to referendum.  Each resident will need to decide if the borrowing is appropriate or not.  Certainly - I wasn't happy to see the initial cost to extend City Water/Sewer to Woodland Drive but this may be a case of "holding your nose and voting to do the right thing", especially considering the $19 million of long-term debt that the City of WL still has to pay back until at least 2030

Whenever the City holds a Public Meeting on this - I would strongly encourage you to attend the meeting so you can get all the information and vote accordingly, whenever the City decides to submit a long-term borrowing request to City taxpayers' for this project


1 comment:

  1. Well let the super rich pay. They knew what they bought and, unless they were promised services, should have to pay the majority of it.
