Tuesday, March 22, 2011

WL Council Meeting Highlights - March 22nd

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors’ Barr, Bourdon, Hébert, Walters and Zacharias

Absent: Deputy Mayor Rathor

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung – IT Manager
Brad McRae – Senior Bylaw Officer

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of March 8th, 2011 WL Council meeting approved


1) Walt Cobb appeared before Council to invite them to the Friday, April 1st, 2011 “Open House” Event for the Barkerville Heritage Trust at the Tourism Discovery Center from 5-7pm


1) Council approved the donation of City dump trucks to be operated by qualified volunteer union Staff for the purpose of hauling dirt for the 2011 Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo.
2) Council gave approval for Councillor Surinderpal Rathor to attend, with the City of WL CAO, the 74th Annual Federation of Canadian Municipalities Convention to be held June 3 to 6, 2011 in Halifax, Nova Scotia -
3) Council referred DVP #2-2011 (Doug and Cindy Neufeld) to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for review prior to Council considering DVP #2-2011 at its’ April 5th, 2011 meeting
4) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to Bylaw #2129, 2011 (Traffic Control Amendment Bylaw – Traffic Fines)
5) Council ratified 3 Recommendations from Committee of the Whole as follows:

a) A request for a permissive tax exemption from the Williams Lake and District Day Care Society was denied. Editor's Note - the WL and District Day Care Society applied for the permissive tax exemption in "good faith" and by the required deadline and Council denying the exemption is "morally wrong" and indefensible.  Councillor Barr's response as Council doesn't want to pit day cares against each other doesn't wash with me either.  Council had a moral obligation to give the exemption, even though Staff fumbled with the paperwork and the Daycare Society applied within the required deadline and met the requirements under the current rules.  If/When a future City Council changes the policy on Permissive Tax Exemptions, then it may be appropriate to say no, until then - permissive tax exemption applications should and must be considered under the current rules

b) Council directed Staff to prepare the necessary amending Bylaw(s) to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1825 with regards to regulating metal shipping containers within the City.

Mayor Cook declared a personal conflict of interest on Council Agenda Item E3 and Acting Mayor Natalie Hébert assumed the Chair at 6:19pm

c) Council approved Option #4 from the Woodland Drive Preliminary Design Report recommendations at an estimated cost of $3,522,157 and Staff be directed to proceed with an application to the General Strategic Priorities Fund for 75% of the total project

Mayor Cook resumed the Chair at 6:20pm

6) Council gave approval for the 2011 Stampede Parade and City Council will participate in the parade
7) Council encouraged the community to participate in “Earth Hour 2011” on March 26th from 8:30-9:30pm
8) Council received 3 In-Camera Reports as follows:

a) 2011 City Advisory Committee Appointments
b) Management Compensation and Benefits Policy
c) 2010 Management Base Salary Review and 2011 Management Compensation

9) Council received for information the “Council Information Package” as of March 22nd, as follows:

a) March 4, 2011 – Letter from BC Government & Service Employees' Union re Community Social Services Awareness Month - see here
b) March 7, 2011 – Letter from Ministry of Natural Resource Operations re Southern Interior Regional Drinking Water Team - see here
c) March 8, 2011 - NDIT Meeting Summary - First Quarter 2011 Cariboo Chilcotin/Lillooet Regional Advisory Committee - see here
d) March 9, 2011 – Letter from UBCM re Community Tourism Program (Phase 2) – Williams Lake Golf Course Promotion - see here
e) March 18, 2011 - Natural Resources Canada Newsletter - Winter 2011 Edition - see here

Council gave oral reports on issues/events occurring in the City of Williams Lake
Council adjourned at 6:39pm reconvening In-Camera, in accordance with Sections 92 and 90(1)(a – appointments) of the Community Charter

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