Friday, April 8, 2011

BC Legislature to resume April 27th

On Wednesday, April 27th at 1:30pm - the BC Legislature will resume its' sitting from when it adjourned in early February.  See the story from the Times Colonist here

The plan is to keep sitting until early June.  The proposed budget from former Finance Minister Colin Hansen will continue to be debated.  BC Premier Christy Clark will be unable to sit in the House to take questions.  That task will fall to Deputy Premier/Finance Minister Kevin Falcon & Government House Leader/Minister of Energy Rich Coleman, pending a by-election to allow Ms. Clark to take a seat in the House.  In the meantime, as a former MLA (as I understand it), she is able to observe the proceedings of the House as a "guest" on the floor of the BC Legislature

There is rampant speculation that a provincial election is "possible" in June however I put that possibility as "near zero" as I don't think any party is ready/willing to have an election which is about 2 years after the last election in May of 2009, but time will tell, as they say

Also - BC Attorney-General Barry Penner announcing the HST ballots will be mailed out June 13th with most of BC'ers receiving theirs by June 24th.  Ballots must be returned to Elections BC by July 22th with a likely announcement on whether or not the HST says or goes by August.  See Globe and Mail's story on this here

Finally - Vancouver-Fraserview MLA (and former Solicitor-General) Kash Heed has been cleared in the recent investigation, relating to his May 2009 Election.  See the story from Globe and Mail on this here

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