Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Federal All-Candidates Forum #1 in Williams Lake (Updated)

Earlier tonight at 7:00pm - the Northern Real Estate Board and the local Chapter of the Council of Canadians co-sponsored an All-Candidates Forum for the Federal Election in the "Great Room" at the Central Cariboo Arts Center which was about two thirds's full and it was moderated by Ross McCoubrey (Miocene resident/Chair of the Miocene Community Assoc)

Candidates present included:

Conservative MP Dick Harris
Liberal Sangeeta Lalli
Green Heidi Redl
Christian Heritage Party Henry Thiessen
NDP Jon Van Barneveld
Independent Jon Ronan
Rhino Party Jordan Turner

After a 2 minute opening statement from each of the 7 candidates, there was a question and answer period.  Questions included:

* Are you seeking a majority gov't/How do we trust you/Would you vote against your own gov't?
* Safety of Nuclear Energy
* Healthcare - Public or Private?
* P3's for water systems - in favour or not?
* Electoral Reform

Jordan Turner of the Rhino Party provided the most entertaining answers of the night.  All in all - a great session with another "All-Candidates Forum" tomorrow (Thursday) night at Wildwood Elementary starting at 7pm.  Most of the candidates at tonight's forum are scheduled to be at tomorrow's forum.  

If you didn't make tonight's forum - make sure you come to tomorrow's All Candidates Forum for the Federal Election and get your question(s) answered before Advanced Voting for the 40th Federal General Election which starts Friday, April 22nd with other Advance Voting Opportunities on Saturday and Monday.  For a list of places where to vote in advance of the General Voting Day on May 2nd, check out the Elections Canada website at

UPDATE - From the Rush:

Around 50 people showed up for an all candidate’s federal question and answer session Wednesday night at the Arts Centre in Williams Lake.

The seven candidates running for the position of MP in the riding of Cariboo-Prince George answered a total of nine questions which were pre-selected by two moderators.

One question touched on electoral reform, an issue NDP candidate Jon Van Barneveld thinks needs to be addressed.

He says Canada needs a proportional representation system and argues it would better represent people’s views in Ottawa.

Both the Green and Christian Heritage Party candidates agreed while Liberal Sangeeta Lalli and Conservative Dick Harris said they’re both satisfied with our first past the post system.

The candidates will be back at it again Thursday night at Wildwood Elementary.

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