Friday, April 8, 2011

Local Communities receive Provincial Funding from Victoria

Today, Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett announcing funds for local government in the Cariboo-Chilcotin including money from the Strategic Community Investment Fund (SCIF), Traffic Fines and Carbon Tax reimbursement

The Hon. Ida Chong (Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development) said:

”Funding decisions at the community level are best made right where the action is, in the community. Both the Strategic Community Investment Fund and the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program have proven to be very successful. Through partnering and leveraging we are further ahead collectively as a province, and I’m very pleased to see not only the dedication to support vital public safety initiatives but also local commitment towards environmental stewardship demonstrated by communities.”

The Hon. Shirley Bond (Solicitor-General) said:

“Families want to feel safe and secure in their communities, and returning traffic fine revenue allows local governments to enhance policing services, prevent crime and focus on public safety initiatives. In fact we have 1,100 more police officers than we had five years ago and since the commitment to return 100 per cent of net traffic fine revenues was made, more than $402 million has been provided to communities across the province.”

The Hon. Terry Lake (Minister of the Environment) said:

“We’ve seen incredible leadership on climate action in B.C. communities where local leaders are setting a positive tone for all residents. Like the provincial government, local governments are leading by example and becoming more energy- and fuel-efficient by offering cleaner transportation options and by building greener infrastructure. The Climate Action Revenue Incentive Grants help communities continue to make that important shift to become carbon neutral communities.”

In Wells, they recieved the following:

SCIF - $215,817
Carbon Tax - $1,533

Total Received: $217,350

In Quesnel, they received the following:

SCIF - $229,029
Traffic Fine Revenue - $107,555
Carbon Tax - $29,275

Total Recieved: $365,859

In Williams Lake, they received the following:

SCIF - $217,195
Traffic Fine Revenue - $99,494
Carbon Tax - $12,338

Total Received: $329,027

In 100 Mile House, they received the following:

SCIF - $197,585
Carbon Tax - $3,123

Total Received: $200,708

The Cariboo Regional District received the following:

SCIF - $78,995
Carbon Tax - $8,382

Total Received: $87,377

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