Monday, April 11, 2011

Meetings on Boulevard Parking in Williams Lake

From the City of Williams Lake:

Editor's Note - Good to see this, but where's the announcement around public consultation for Sewer Works Amendment Bylaw #2030 and Water Works Amendment Bylaw #2131??  Curious that March 29th, 2011 Committee of Whole Council minutes stating that these two bylaws should use same process as Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2034 but yet WL Council chose to give three readings to Bylaw #2030/2031.  See the minutes here and go to Page 4 where the following is noted:

P3. Water Works Amendment Bylaw No. 2131 re Secondary Suites


Moved by Councillor Zacharias
Seconded by Councillor Barr

That pursuant to the report of the Senior Bylaw Officer dated March 8, 2011, Water Works Amendment Bylaw No. 2131 regarding secondary suites be brought forward for the required readings.


NOTE - Sewer and Water Works amending Bylaws No. 2130 and 2131 to be brought forward through the process with Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2134.

Then the process should have been:

Bylaws #2130/2131 read twice and then refer to Public Hearing
Bylaw #2134 - read once/refer to Advisory Planning Committee, give 2nd reading/refer to Public Hearing then hold the Public Hearing on Bylaws #2130, 2131, 2134 and then consider giving 3rd Reading to All Bylaws then adopt when Council is able to do so

The City of Williams Lake will host two public information sessions dealing with boulevard parking in residential areas in coming weeks. They will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. in City Council Chambers Thursday, April 21 and Wednesday, April 27.

City staff will discuss the boulevard parking policy and receive input from the public on how to enforce the City’s traffic bylaw, which prohibits parking on City boulevards in residential areas.
Keeping boulevards (which are City property) clear assists in efficient snow removal, and helps keep streets and sidewalks safe.

All residents are invited to hear about the boulevard parking policy, to share ideas and concerns, and to have questions answered.

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