Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mid-Week News - Wednesday, April 6th

From the Rush:

Things got heated at Williams Lake City Council tonight when a councilor argued against a 3% tax increase for 2011.

Surinderpal Rathor says taxes have now gone up 9% the past three years, and challenged council to find any citizens whose wages have gone up as much during the same time period.

Mayor Kerry Cook took Rathor to task and argued city council has been fiscally prudent the past two and a half years.

She argued for example City Hall has managed to slash $300,000 in management salaries since she’s led council.

Cook also expressed surprise Rathor decided to take a stand against the increases considering he’d gone along with a lot of the spending measures council had agreed to during previous budget meetings.

Councillor Sue Zacharias agreed with Cook, adding Rathor’s showmanship proved electioneering in Williams Lake has already begun.

From the Tribune:

* Local RCMP Detachment loses another officer - see here
* Tribune columnist Diana French questions the timing of City Staff salary increases - see here

From the 100 Mile Free Press:

* Letter-writing campaign on for Crown land swap in Bridge Lake area - see here
* 40 people showed up at the recently-held CRD/Cariboo Fire Center "Wildfire Public Info Sessions" - see here

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