Saturday, April 16, 2011

Noteworthy Local Gov't Items coming forward

A number of noteworthy items are coming up next week at local gov't meetings, as follows:

City of Williams Lake:


1) Staff-Sgt Warren Brown presents Crime Stats
2) Spanish Mountain Gold CEO Brian Graves presents his company's project to Council - see his presentation here
3) City of WL's Fire Prevention Inspector re: Evacuation Plan for Williams Lake.  See the presentation here

Editor's Note - Delegation #2 will also be presenting to the CRD Board on the same item at its' August 26th, 2011 meeting


1) 2011 Budget to be adopted & 3 readings of Tax Rates Bylaw.  See here (Budget) and here (Tax Rates)

2) Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2134 (Secondary Suites) to be given 2nd Reading and referred to May 3rd Public Hearing.  See here

3) Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2132 (New Hockey Training Facility by Cattle Drive - North End of City)  See here

4) New City of WL OCP moves closer to adoption.  See here

City of Quesnel:


1) Quesnel Council to receive 2010 Audited Financial Statements and give 3 Readings to its 2011 Budget.  See here (2010 Audited Financial Statements) and here (2011 City of Quesnel Budget)

Cariboo Regional District/Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District:

Delegation (Hospital Board):

1) Alison Ruault to present a Recruitment Plan for the Cariboo-Chilcotin region to the CCRHD Board.  See here

Business (Hospital Board):

1) CCRHD Board to adopt Bylaws to replace the Fire Alarm System at Cariboo Memorial Hospital, physiological system replacement and replace elevator controls at CMH.  See here (Fire Alarm), here (Elevator Controls - CMH) and here (Physiological System replacement).  Total capital replacement to equals $930,000 with the local CCRHD Board providing $372,000 for these 3 projects

Delegation (Regional Board):

1) Mike Simpson from the Williams Lake and Area Interface Fire Plan Secretariat will update the Board on its activities

Business (Regional Board):

1) New Policy to refund Planning Application Fees with regard to Heritage Conservation.  See here.  Disclosure Note - Mayor Cook is unable to vote on this item as Williams Lake is not a member of the CRD Planning Function however the 12 Rural Directors and the City of Quesnel are entitled to vote on this item as they are all members of the CRD Planning Function

2) Letter from Nemiah Valley (Xeni Gwet'in First Nations) re: protesting approval in 2010 of DVP's  (Development Variance Permit) in its traditional territory.  See their letter here

Editor's Note - it'll be interesting to see how the Regional Board responds to their letter and if this is the start of a "tit-for-tat" political war with the Xeni Gwet'in First Nations.  Hopefully not, as one hopes that Area 'A' Director /Chair of the local Treaty Advisory Committee Ted Armstrong is able to bridge the gap on this item

3) A number of contribution agreements to be ratified by the Regional Board

See here (CCACS + local Mountain Bike Consortium)
See here (150 Mile Community Hall - lighting upgrades)
See here (Bouchie Lk Community Hall - numerous energy upgrades)

4) Request from Area 'D' Director Bischoff to assist McLeese Lake Community Hall with clean-up costs.  See here

5) Board to adopt 3 new Policies re

a) Inviting MLA's for Cariboo-Chilcotin/Cariboo-North to present to the Board each year
b) Policy re: Security Deposit for construction of a hanger at any CRD-owned Airport
c) Policy re: Proclamations at "no cost to the Board"

See the report here

6) CRD/City of Quesnel to submit a NCLGA (local Local Gov't Assoc) Resolution re: Ban on Incandescent Light Bulbs.  See here

Finally - in a weird move - the City of Williams Lake has submitted its Feb 22nd Council Meeting Minutes to appear in the CRD's Consent Calendar in place of the usual Council Meeting Highlights which were available on Feb 23rd.  I'm not sure why the City would do this.  Certainly, District of 100 Mile/Wells and the City of Quesnel do not put their meeting minutes in the Consent Calendar

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