Monday, April 4, 2011

Some Federal Political Parties release their platforms

Yesterday - Micheal Ignatieff (Federal Liberal Leader) released his party's platform which you can find here.  As expected, it was instanly panned by the Conservatives and the NDP

For the Conservatives - they are using their proposed budget as their "platform" to which I did a previous blog post here

The NDP, at this point, does not, as far as I can research on their website, have a formal party platform that one can look at but perhaps that will change between now and May 2.  In the meantime, you can visit their website at

Finally - in local federal political news - former Federal Liberal Cariboo-PG Candidate Drew Adamick has thrown his support behind Federal NDP Cariboo-PG Candidate Jon Van Barneveld

See more from the Vancouver Province here

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