Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Williams Lake News - Tues April 19th edition

In the Williams Lake Tribune:

* This Thursday (April 21st), there will be a meeting at WL City Hall on the issue of parking of City-owned boulevards - see here

* Mayor Cook responds to concerns over the industrial tax rate - see here

Editor's Note - if the City 2011 Budget passes tonight (as I expect it will with Councillor Rathor being opposed), then the 2011 Tax Rates Bylaw will be given 3 readings tonight to fully implement the City's 2011 Budget (again, with Councillor Rathor being opposed).  Finally - Tolko Woodlands Manager Tom Hoffman has been lobbying WL Council for 3 years for changes to the overall property tax rate structure with little or no success.  Will the issue of tax rates vis-a-vis major/light industry sector be a campaign issue in November?  It very well could be

* Tribune columnist Diana French looks into how social media (Facebook, Twitter, Blogs) are playing a role in the Federal Election as well as looking into November's civic election in Williams Lake - see here

* Letter writer Eric Freeston blasts Victoria over the HST Referendum date - see here
* Letter writers (students) from Columneetza write on a previous column from freelance Tribune columnist Dean Fulton.  See their letters here

From Welcome to Williams Lake:

* Review of last Saturday's "Community Corner" 1st Anniversary - see here
* Tonight, City of WL Fire Department is doing a "preventative burn" at WL Secondary.  See here
* Public Meeting on City-owned Boulevards on Thursday - see here

Editor's Note - it is great to see Brad McRae (Senior Bylaw Officer) subscribe to my point of view on regulatory bylaws (consult first, rather than after the fact), however it would be even better if his employer (WL Council) also did the same - (ie: Patio Bylaw, new Traffic Control Bylaw in Sept of 2009)

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