Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2134 & 20% Sewer/Water Surcharge on Sec. Suites

Earlier today - the City's Advisory Planning Commission or APC met to consider Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2134, 2011 with regard to Secondary Suites.  As I alone was in attendance and there was not a quorum of the APC available (Quorum is 4 members of the Commission with 6 appointed for the 2011-2012 Term)  - City Staff takes the comments from APC members present and gives a copy of those comments to all members of Williams Lake Council

At the APC meeting - I had asked the following questions:

1) Sufficient staff available to enforce Secondary Suites Policy - Yes, once contract in place for Building Inspection with the Cariboo Regional District

2) Secondary Suites apply to R-1 homes only.  R-1/R-8 zoned homes were considered last year but it was decided that R-1 should apply

3) 20% surcharge for water/sewer fees - City Staff feel that this is a better deal than either water meters or even charging 100% for secondary suites as a "second home"

When Point #3 was brought up and I noted this was part of the Explantory Note for Bylaw #2134, City Staff said I could not formally comment on it as it was not a part of the Bylaw itself but it is a "text amendment" to the Zoning Bylaw, which means Council will be in a position to adopt all of the Bylaws necessary to fully implement Secondary Suites in the City by Tuesday, May 3rd.  I wonder how Mayor Cook will address this point at the May 3rd Public Hearing on Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2134, 2011

For the record - I do not support the 20% surcharge but instead I support water meters on all R-1 Homes in the City as it is more equitable and addresses water conservation goals that we as City of WL residents need to move forward on

FYI - WLTribune.com is running a poll asking if you support the City's Secondary Suite Policy and 66% of votes cast say No with 33% saying Yes

Finally - On my way to the APC meeting which was held in Committee Room #1 (in City Hall Basement), I noticed some campaign signs from Jon Ronan (Independent Federal MP Candidate)stored in the stairwell going to the basement. 

Question - Why weren't the signs delivered to the City's Works Yard instead?.  Whenever a campaign(s) break the City's sign law, that is usually where the signs end up for pick-up.  WL City Hall has been traditionally "hands-off" to all campaign brochures/signs and for good reason


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