Friday, May 20, 2011

2nd Public Consultation Meeting - Regulating Shipping Containers in the City of WL

Earlier tonight from 7-9pm - Brad McRae (Senior Bylaw Officer - City of WL) met with 8 residents to discuss pending amendments to the City's Zoning Bylaw to regulate use of shipping containers within the City, both for residential and commercial/industrial
See my blog post on the 1st meeting on this last week here

Mr. McRae faced a series of questions from the public including:

* Safety/Security issues relating to regulating shipping containers
* Permit Fee - free for now, but what's to stop a future Council to charge a fee later
* Why new regulations when existing ones are not enforced?

With all public consultation meetings completed on regulating shipping containers in the City of Williams Lake, Mr. McRae now will go back to Council's "Bylaw Review Committee", review with them the various concerns the public has brought forward and they'll make a recommendation to the Committee of the Whole Council as to how to proceed - either make amendments to the Zoning Bylaw or create a stand-alone bylaw

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