Friday, May 13, 2011

Breaking News: CRD/Duncan Barnett settle out of Court

Joint Statement by the Cariboo Regional District and Duncan Barnett

Cariboo Regional District Board Chair Al Richmond and former Electoral Area F Director Duncan Barnett issued a joint statement today announcing the settlement and discontinuance of a lawsuit by Mr. Barnett against the CRD and three individuals. The events in question occurred in 2008 and involved former Director Barnett and certain other Directors and Officers of the District, including the named defendants, who were acting in their official capacities.

Chair Richmond stated: “Having carefully read and considered the April 2009 BC Supreme Court decision of Mr. Justice McKinnon and with the benefit of hindsight, I, on behalf of the CRD, its Directors and Officers, wish to extend an apology to Mr. Barnett.

We accept the decision of the Court and acknowledge that the process which resulted in the resolution of October 2008, and its reaffirmation in December, 2008 gave rise to a situation which may have caused persons to think that Director Barnett must have committed grievous offences, an inference which was never intended.”

Mr. Barnett stated: “I accept the Board’s apology and am pleased that we have now all decided to put this matter behind us. I want to acknowledge that I have learned from this experience: I have also resolved to tread more carefully in the future and I apologize to the Directors and staff members who believed they had cause to think I was unfairly outspoken, critical or too demanding.”

UPDATE: More on this story from Williams Lake Tribune here

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