Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Local Voter Anger in Williams Lake....?

In my blog post yesterday (see here) on reviewing last week's poll for support for the Mayoralty Candidates in Williams Lake, I received the following comment:

I can't imagine Cook getting even one vote. I love the new initiatives and surveys that Mayor and Council are doing right now. This is because they want to see what services they can provide or improve on. Where were you all two and a half years ago. All you have been doing is ensuring you get accolades on non essential things. Isn't that like putting icing on dogfood and calling it a birthday cake. Shame on you Mayor Cook and Council...I hope the voters aren't too stupid to fall for your last minute, desperate measures.

If this commentor is in line with the average voter in Williams Lake - things really don't look good for Williams Lake Council, especially, I would suggest, for Mayor Cook and Councillors Sue Zacharias, Laurie Walters, and Geoff Bourdon.  I have a hunch that it is unlikely that voters are willing to turf the entire WL City Council for new people.  At tne end of the day - I suspect that Councillors Tom Barr and SPS Rathor are the only two Councillors who will survive re-election



  1. I suspect, based on your commentaries and comments left by others on your site, that the majority of your "readers" are disgruntled voter types and psuedo conspiracy theorists who hardly represent the majority of voters.
    You need to break out of your bubble and talk to some real folks who seem quite content with Mayor Cook and are sick of Rathor's pandering to the disgruntled types.
    I suspect the truth will come out in November when Cook is resoundingly re-elected along with Bourdon, Walters and Zacharias.
    Stay tuned!

  2. I completely agree. I will be voting Cook again, I would have anyway but the other choices are HORRIFYING !

  3. Thank you for your comment

    One question though and this is purely for discussion purposes:

    "I personally don't believe Mayor Cook and Councillors Zacharias, Bourdon and Walters have done anything for Williams Lake but I understand you believe that they have and I am curious why you think that?"

  4. I am speaking about Mayor Cook. I feel that she has taken us in a direction that in the future we will be proud of. I did not support her candidacy at the beginning and do not support everything that she has done but I like the changes I see. I live downtown, have for 12 years and have seen some of the most horrifying drug problems and vandalism in my neighbourhood. But for the past two years things have improved. A lot. That was her main platform 3 years ago and I think she has done it. There are still some crime issues but wow, what an improvement. We needed to clean this place up before we could be 'open for business'.

    As for the three councillors... Ms. Walters has done quite a lot for her portfolio, more than ANY other councillor has for years, and I think she should, if she chooses, be given an opportunity to get to know the job better.

    As for the other two, I haven't seen much of Ms. Z. in action so don't know what she has done for the community. Mr. Bourdon - I haven't seen anything positive from him.

  5. Anonymous at 4:22pm

    Thank you for your thoughts - gives me food for though

