Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Wrap

Over at Welcome to Williams Lake:

* Story on autistic boy going missing at Marie Sharpe Elementary - see here
* Story on man who died in upper Boitanio Park, close to Highway #97 South- see here
* Ulkatcho Band elects new Chief - see here

Reminder - That the Canadian Census Form that should have arrived in your mailbox by now and MUST be filled out and mailed off by tomorrow (Tuesday, May 10th).  Failure to do so will earn you a fine of $500 and/or jail time.  The Cities of Williams Lake/Quesnel and the Districts of Wells/100 Mile House and the Cariboo Regional District strongly needs all residents to fill out their paper census form or fill out online at as the information you provide to Ottawa directly relates to how much grant money each City/District or the CRD Board receives from Ottawa

I filled out my census form online and it took a mere 5-7 mins and I suspect filling out the paper form will take just as long and there should be no cost to send the census form back to Ottawa.


  1. I think you mean autistic boy. Autism boy sounds like an insult.

  2. Thanks for the comment. I have corrected the blog post to reflect your concern

