Friday, May 13, 2011

More Hirings at WL City Hall

Over at CivicInfoBC - they report today that the City of Williams Lake are looking for the following Staff persons:

1) Planning Technician - City has been looking since April.  See the ad here with an expiry date of May 20th

2) Recreation Admin Coordinator - See the ad here with an expiry date of May 27th


Instead of trying to find a Planning Technician/Recreation Admin Coordinator, why doesn't the City try to make do with the Staff we have now (ie - Do more with less).  Lilliana Dragowska's current role as ICSP Coordinator could be rolled up into Planner once the current process to adopt the new OCP is done.  Also the City could look at its' admin staff needs City-wide and determine how to have an efficient administration.  Just saying....

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