Friday, May 6, 2011

Public Consultation to discontinue flouride to start this summer

Editor's Note - see below for press release from the City.  However, when will the City ever learn that on a topic so serious as this (continue to put flouride in City of WL's water) and controversial, it should do the consultations in the fall (Sept - Nov) and just put the question on the ballot for November's civic election.  This in light of the fact that during the summer - Williams Lake residents' minds will be at the beach and campsite and certainly not on matters pertaining to City operations....Just sayin'

A report from the City’s Water Advisory Committee, received by council at the May 2 council meeting, recommends that the municipality investigate whether Williams Lake should continue to inject hydrofluorisilisic acid (fluoride) into the City’s water system. This follows a report from the World Health organization last summer that recommends the same examination by municipalities, as the public receives fluoride in the form of food, drink, and oral hygiene products such as toothpaste and mouthwash. Some studies have also shown that municipalities that inject fluoride into their water systems can have a significant reduction in the number of cavities in children than those communities that do not fluoridate their water supply.

In order to discontinue fluoridation of the City’s water, the Fluoride Bylaw, passed in 1969 by referendum, must be repealed either by referendum or by ministerial order. The City will embark on the communication and public consultation strategy in order to fully inform residents about fluoridation in Williams Lake before a referendum or application to the provincial Minister of Health.

At the May 3 meeting, Council authorized staff to retain the services of Communication Services Inc. to develop a communication and public consultation strategy regarding the discontinuation of the fluoridation of the city’s water system. Council authorized up to $33,000 plus disbursements to be paid from the Water Fund.

“This is an issue we expect will generate a lot of public interest and debate, and there is a lot of information to share,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “We want to ensure we know exactly what Williams Lake residents want to know, and we want to hear from residents before any decisions are made.”
Until 2005, the City of Williams Lake injected fluoride out of 45 gallon drums into the water system. The City does not currently inject fluoride into the water system, due to the City having to upgrade the fluoride handling and dispensing facilities.

When the City upgraded its fluoride room at its Scout Island Well Field to meet with WCB standards, it was designed for 1,100 litre totes, which the municipality purchased as part of this upgrade. During the upgrade of the Fluoride room, the City’s current supplier of fluoride no longer refills 1,100 liter totes in British Columbia and the City’s purchasing department is unable to locate any other supplier in the province that will supply fluoride in this manner for this type of container. The cost of ordering totes from the current supplier in Manitoba totals $94,400 per year. The City currently budgets $22,246 for fluoridation.

It is expected public consultation will begin this summer.

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