Saturday, May 14, 2011

Review of Upcoming Local Gov't Items

In Quesnel:

* Quesnel Staff are proposing a procedure to post expenses online.  See the Staff report here.  I applaud Quesnel Council for looking at this seriously.  It'll be interesting to follow, especially to see the response of both Quesnel Councillors Sushil Thapar and Ron Paull (also rumoured Quesnel Mayor candidate)

Editor's Note:

* I'd like to see full publication of travel expenses for WL Senior City Staff (ie - Brian Carruthers, Geoff Goodall)/WL Council members. Again, residents have a right to know how much money the politicians/staff cost Williams Lake taxpayers

* Also, Quesnel Council will receive a report on their 2011 Strategic Plan.  See that report here

Two Items in the Plan I find interesting and I'd like to see WL Council pursue are:

* Have a full blown "Code of Conduct" to ensure full explanation of roles/responsibilities of Members of Williams Lake Council and City Staff

* More of an aggressive push to work with schools around learning about civic government (both municipal and regional districts), especially in the elementary school stages when they learn about government, typically in Grade 5 (if I remember correctly)

In Williams Lake:

* Council will receive a request, in Committee of the Whole, from the WL Saturday Market Association to allow use of Herb Gardiner Park for a Saturday Farmers' Market.  The requestors have sought letters of support and have secured permission from Royal Bank to use their parking lot on Saturdays for people to park and walk over.  I applaud the individuals for this initiative and sincerely hope that Council will agree to their request.  See their actual request here

* Council will consider a request of the Director of Community Services (G. Paynton) to institute a "trail" dog park up at Comer Park (across from TRU on Western Ave).  As noted - there hasn't been a public push to put this into place but it'll be interesting to see if Council agrees to this and what the official public response is.  See Mr. Paynton's report here

* Also - the City of WL CAO (B. Carruthers) is proposing the City enter into a Community Partnership Agreement (in my opinion - more like a letter of understanding) between the WL Cycling Club and the City.  See more details here. 

* Finally, it was disappointing to listen to City Councillor Geoff Bourdon, filling in for Mayor Cook on the Town Hall radio program this past Thursday, to still justify the roadside patio at New World Cafe on Oliver Street.  He stated although no member of the public has officially complained of safety issues, his business (Woodland Jewellers) would love to have the same opportunity that New World Cafe is able to have that the roadside cafe provides.  Unfortunately - this is an example where Mr. Bourdon chooses to ignore the concerns that residents' have brought forward, by way of letters to the editor in our local newspapers.  Again - I honestly believe residents don't object, in principle, to the idea of a roadside cafe in the downtown area, but would've liked an opportunity to express concerns about it  before Council approved the Bylaw to allow it.  It's the same reason why the community was so upset over Council's decision to prohibit parking on City Boulevards (decide first and consult later)


  1. That park is a horrible place to hold a market. How many kids are going to roll down the hill and land on the sidewalk?

  2. Thanks for your comment...

    I tend to agree but I think the ultimate solution is to force these two "farmer markets" (Friday/Saturday) into a "marriage) and hold 1 Farmers' Market on Saturdays in Boitanio Park. It would achieve a few things including:

    * More public attendance
    * No issues around parking fines which was a complaint from former CRD Area 'F' Director Duncan Barnett by holding a Farmers' Market on Friday, given the two hour parking restriction on 8th Avenue, the portion that runs parallel with Boitanio Park
