Friday, May 13, 2011

Upcoming CRD Board Initiatives

At the May 6th Cariboo Regional District Board meeting - the Board asked their Staff to bring forward the following items:

1) That Local Government Awareness Week be considered as a budget item during budget deliberations for 2012

2) That staff report back to the Board on the current voting procedures of the Cariboo Regional District for electors who wish to attend a voting place to vote but are unable to enter due to a physical disability, impaired mobility, or require assistance as they are unable to mark a ballot due to visual impairment

3) That staff investigate and report back to the Board on the feasibility of implementing a burning bylaw within the Cariboo Regional District, as identified by Darrel Orosz, Cariboo Fire Centre Manager, during his presentation earlier in the meeting.”

4) That staff be authorized to work with the Northern Development Initiative Trust to develop a sustainability plan for the North Cariboo Regional Development account. Further, that the Cariboo Regional District strongly supports this initiative.”

On Items #1 and #2 - I applaud the CRD Board and specifically Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley for these as I think the Board needs to do more on Local Government Awareness and to ensure that all opportunities are expended to ensure all can exercise their opportunity to vote in referendums or elections, no matter their disability

On Item #3 - I understand the Board's desire to respond to this issue on backyard burning and prevention of forest fires, I'm concerned about the practicability & enforcement of it.  Further - I would suggest that it will go over just as well (poorly received) as the Outdoor Wood-fired Boiler Bylaw went over with rural residents

On Item #4  - Based solely on the read of the motion, Director Armstrong must have a strong reason for this motion and I agree with him that the sustainability plan be done to ensure the money is there for future generations to generate economic activity in the North Cariboo

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