Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WL Council Highlights - May 24th meeting

As provided by the City of WL as I was not in attendance - family business:

Community Spirit Awards

Mayor Kerry Cook and Council presented Community Spirit Awards to the Lions and Lionesses Clubs for their numerous positive contributions and service to the community.

Alexis Forseille and Tori Swan — Williams Lake British Columbia Student Leadership

Alexis Forseille and Robert Pedersen of Williams Lake British Columbia Student Leadership spoke to council about the British Columbia Student Leadership Conference being hosted in Williams Lake October 20 to 23, 2011.

Regular Agenda

North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) 2011 Conference Report

Council received a report from Chief Administrative Office Brian Carruthers about the 2011 North Central Local Government Association conference held in Prince Rupert from May 10th to 14th. Discussions at the conference included the Canada Winter Games in Prince George, the impact of marijuana grow ops, and a transportation roundtable. The City of Williams Lake received Gold Award for best crafted resolution regarding streamlining the Provincial and Federal Environmental Assessment Review processes.
Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763

2010 Audited Financial Statements

Council accepted the 2010 Audited Financial Statements, which record the City’s financial position as of December 31st, 2010.
Contact: Pat Higgins at 250-392-1777

Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw No. 2140

Council received an Advisory Planning Commission report on the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2140, and gave second reading to the bylaw. A public hearing on the bylaw is scheduled for 7 p.m. on June 7 in Council Chambers.
Contact: Geoff Goodall at 250-392-1766

Aviation Fuel System Upgrade

Council approved an increase of $80,000 for the combined fuel system upgrade at the Williams lake Regional Airport, with funds to be allocated from the airport reserve fund. The Williams Lake Regional Airport is upgrading their existing fuel system to include two additional fuel tanks and a loading port for the City’s new fuel bowser truck. In January Council awarded the contract to Hatch Mott MacDonald to engineer and manage the upgrades to the fuel system at the Williams Lake Regional Airport. Based on the completed engineered drawings, Hatch Mott Macdonald estimates the completed project to cost approximately $290,000, compared to original estimates of $210,000. Engineering services are anticipated to come in lower that the initial $87,230.00 estimated cost. The airport started 2011 with a surplus of approximately $568,000.
Contact: Reg Ryan at 250-392-1784

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2138 – Pine Tree Developments Ltd. - 11 Eagle Crescent

Council accepted the application to amend the City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825 to change the zoning of Lot 1, District Lot 8840, Cariboo District, Plan 34691, Except Plan Phase 1, 2 & 3 Strata Plan PGS215 from Low Density Multiple Family Residential (R-3) to Single Family Residential (R-1) subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Council gave first reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2138 and forwarded the application be forwarded to the Advisory Planning Commission for their comments and recommendations.
Contact: Geoff Goodall at 250-392-1766

Development Variance Permit – Platform Properties Ltd. – 1185 Prosperity Way

Council directed staff to distribute notification of the development permit application to the surrounding property owners within a 100-metre radius and directed that the application be forwarded to the Advisory Planning Commission for their comments and recommendations back to Council. The Development Variance Permit from Platform Properties Ltd. Is for construction of a new commercial retail building on Lot 3, District Lots 7046, 7047 and 8836, Plan BCP38739, Cariboo District, at 1185 Prosperity Way subject to the applicant constructing temporary barriers to restrict access to the remainder of the undeveloped lands be received.
Contact: Geoff Goodall at 250-392-1766

Oliver Street Infrastructure Improvements

Council gave approval for an addition $50,000 required to complete the water infrastructure improvements on Oliver Street. The existing budget for this project is $100,000 to replace water service connections and accompanying equipment. An extra $50,000 is required to replace main line valve clusters that are greater than 50 years old and were not initially identified as needing to be replaced. The existing valve clusters have a useful life span of 50 to 60 years. These valve clusters were installed in the early 1950s. Also included in the $50,000 are funds to replace a portion of the existing 150mm cast iron water main that runs between City Hall and The Glen Arbor Building and connects to the water main on Oliver Street. This cast iron line is part of the original water system that was installed over 60 years ago.
Contact: Geoff Goodall at 250-392-1766

2011/2012 BC Transit Annual Operating Agreement

Council approved the 2011/2012 Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit. Drivers for cost changes this year include increased hourly wages, distance costs, an increase to the maintenance budget, and an increase in insurance costs. Over a 6-year period, the average operating cost for similar public transit systems throughout the rest of Canada increased annually by 6%. During this same period, BC Transit has been successful in holdings its overall increases in the average operating cost per hour to 3.9% annually.
Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763

Tim Hortons Bike Rodeo

Council received a report regarding the Tim Hortons Bike Rodeo being organized by Recreation Services, Community Policing, the Brain Injury Society & Success by Six. This program will teach children the skills required to ride safely and learn precautions to avoid accidents and injury. The Tim Hortons Bike Rodeo is on Saturday, May 28, 2011 and will include bike maintenance & helmet check stations along with six other bike riding safety challenges. This event is open to children of all ages who can ride a tricycle or bike. It will start in the Canadian Tire parking lot at 10 a.m. and conclude at 2 p.m. The event is free, but parents and/or guardians are encouraged to register by calling Recreation Services at 250-398-7665 as 200 participants are anticipated.
Contact: Geoff Paynton at 250-392-1786

Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Grants

Council approved the following grants to be awarded from the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture function, as approved by the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee and recommended by the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society:

Operating Grants

Williams Lake Museum & Historical Society $3000
Station House Studio & Gallery Society $3000
Project Grants
150 Mile Greenbelt & Trail Society $1000
Arts on the Fly $1160
Cariboo Art Society $ 790
Cariboo Chilcotin Youth Fiddle Society $ 850
Cariboo Direct Farm Market Association $ 800
Cedar City Museum $2000
Likely Community School Association $2000
McLeese Lake Recreation Community $2000
Station House Studio & Gallery Society $2000
Williams Lake Spinners, Weavers & Fibre Artists’ Guild $1400
Contact: Geoff Paynton at 250-392-1786

Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Fee For Service Agreements 2011

Council approved the following recommendation from the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee: “That the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee the memorandum dated April 28, 2011 from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services regarding the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture 2011 Fee for Service contribution agreements with the Station House Gallery, Stampede Parade Committee and Harvest Fair, be received. Further, that the agreements be funded at existing levels in 2011 and that the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture society be included in a review of the agreements prior to development of the 2012 financial plan. Further, that the applicants be advised that the City of Williams Lake and Cariboo Regional District will be reviewing all jointly funded fee for service
programs for 2012.” Funding levels are: $2,500 for the Harvest Fair, $4,500 for the Station House Gallery, and $5,000 for the Stampede Parade Committee.
Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2132 – Ry-Ty Holdings Ltd. – 4535 Cattle Drive

Following a public hearing, Council gave third reading and adopted the bylaw to amend Zoning
Bylaw No. 1825 by allowing for the construction of a hockey rink training facility upon Lot C, District Lot 6483, Cariboo
District, Plan BCP38984 (4535 Cattle Drive) through a text amendment to the permitted uses in the General Industrial (M-2) zone.
Contact: Geoff Goodall at 250-392-1766

Proposed Farmers Market in Herb Gardner Park

Council gave approval to the Williams Lake Saturday Market Association to hold a Farmer's Market in Herb Gardner Park on Saturdays from June 11 to October 29, 2011 for a one year trial period and the Association be requested to increase their liability insurance from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000.
Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763

Community Partnership Agreement With Williams Lake Cycling Club

Council endorsed a Community Partnership Agreement (CPA) with the Williams Lake Cycling Club. The Partnership Agreement addresses topics such as signage to promote and direct visitors to mountain bike trail heads, collaboration between the City, businesses and WLCC to develop and market events, infrastructure and economic benefits and generally increase the profile and culture of mountain biking in the community.
The CPA does not imply or commit the City to any direct funding or in-kind support, but rather articulates a shared vision and desire to collaborate.
Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763


Access Awareness Day – June 4, 2011
Stampede Season – June 1 to July 3, 2011

Next Council Meeting: June 7, 2011 at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers

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