Thursday, June 9, 2011

6 PST Questions BC NDP Leader refuses to answer

Courtesy of the BC Liberal Government Caucus:

Adrian Dix campaigns to have British Columbians pay a 12 per cent GST and PST instead of a 10 per cent HST, yet the BC NDP Leader is refusing to answer the following questions on his reckless plan.

1) Why won't he commit to restoring all previous PST exemptions?
2) What exemptions would he eliminate?
3) Why won’t he commit to a 10 per cent HST or is his plan to do what his NDP counterparts did in Nova Scotia and raise the tax?
4) Why is he supporting a return to a luxury tax on pickups and penalizing rural British Columbia?
5) How would he deal with the $3 billion hole returning to the PST would put in the provincial budget?
6) What other taxes will he increase to cover the cost of his wild spending spree?

"Adrian Dix and the BC NDP are deliberately misleading British Columbians about their plans to return to a 12 per cent PST and GST," says Finance Minister Kevin Falcon. "Sector after sector - from ranching to the film industry to retailers - support the HST as a way to create jobs across the province. The improvements to the HST mean every British Columbia family will come out on average $120 a head. Only Adrian Dix and the NDP think 12 per cent is better than 10 per cent. The referendum question is straightforward: say no to higher taxes."

NDP MLAs were the only ones to vote against lowering the HST to 10 per cent in the Legislature, while BC Liberals and the two independents voted in favour of lower taxes.

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