Wednesday, June 1, 2011

City of Williams Lake's 2010 Annual Report now available

Williams Lake City Council will consider the 2010 Annual Report at its Tuesday, June 21 regular meeting, and residents are invited to attend, ask questions, or present submissions on the report. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in Williams Lake Council Chambers (450 Mart St)

According to provincial legislation, a municipality must produce an annual report each year, and hold a public consultation session before it is submitted to the province. According to the Community Charter, it must contain: the municipality's audited annual financial statements for the previous year; a list of the permissive tax exemptions provided by council, and for each exemption, the amount of property tax that would have been imposed during the previous year if the exemption had not been granted; a report on the municipality's services and operations for the previous year; a progress report on the performance of the municipality with respect to established objectives and measures; a statement of objectives and measures that will be used as the basis for determining the municipality's performance during the current year and following year; and the details of any declarations of disqualification made against individual council members during the previous year.

You can read the 2010 Annual Report here.  The City's Communications Coordinator (K. MacInnis) also advises that the report is now available at WL City Hall and will be on the City's website soon

For more information/questions - contact Brian Carruthers, City of WL CAO as follows:

Phone - 250-392-1763
Email -

Editor's Note - While I'm happy to see the City making an effort to have the Annual Report appear more professional, I still think we have miles to go as I'd like to see the Annual Report on par with the Cariboo Regional District & the City of Quesnel

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